The days have hit us where it should no longer be expected of anyone to go out with just a laced crop top and shorts to keep them warm. You are expecting too much from us if we are to continue like this until spring.
It does not have to be all about minimalism for you to look sexy on a night out, especially if you end up shivering all the time whilst getting to and from the clubs and bars. So hopefully a few hints and tips will help you keep warm this winter, without worrying too much about where to put your big parka when strutting those moves on the dance floor.
Some places have storage for the coats we drag along with us on a night out, which can be useful, but if you prefer to save a little money or tend to be forgetful this will be your last option. We know how sweaty it can get on the dance floor so a big fur coat may not be what you want in this case, as where else can you put it? Bars are not so much of a problem for bringing coats along, but in the club well it is just a bit too difficult. So, let us see how we can compromise:
Knee length boots:
First we are talking shoes: The knee length boot trend is not everyone’s cup of tea but it is definitely one that I am starting to see more of around the streets of Leicester. A suede material boot with a heel will make for a desirable look in the clubs, with black in particular being adjustable to different outfits. The knee length leaves room for miniskirts and skater dresses without leaving the legs exposed.
Stores like H&M have a range of knee length to thigh high boots from prices of around £29.99, coming in suede and leather and in various colours that could finish off your look. The perfect thing about knee high boots is that knee high socks can be worn underneath as an extra layer if needed.
Maxi dress/Skirt:
A longer dress or skirt no longer means plain, boring smart-wear and sprucing up your wardrobe has never been easier. Maxi dresses/skirts are great for those winter days just as much as in the summer; it can mean comfort as well as warmth, with extra flexibility as you move across the dance floor. If the material proves to be too thin then try some thin tights underneath, just enough to keep in the heat but not so much that you sweat.
Blazers are a great option as an extra layer without being too much, as compared to coats. Blazers are no longer just a school or job look and are designed nowadays to look stylish in a club setting: From fluorescent greens and pinks to leopard print an striped patterns, each design is made with a look in mind to suit your needs. If this all sounds a bit too much then fitted bold colour blazers are available, which will show off a bit of class when adding the finishing touches to your club attire.
A camisole; the subtle accessory for a cold night out. Try purchasing one to fit your shape so that it does not hang loose and can be easily hidden underneath a dress or top. This hidden gem allows some heat to leave your body, but maintains enough to keep you warm in the outside air. You can get these fitted to the waist or in a dress form if you are wearing it with something longer. Have a shop around to see what goes with your outfit. Do not be afraid to layer up. Camisoles come in black, nude, and white colours; which are perfect for blending in.
Bomber Jacket / leather jacket:
If you are going to wrap up with a coat but are in need of something light, the obvious choice is a bomber or leather jacket. Both coats can add a bit of an edge to your look and fit all trends quite well, from the darker styles to light and fluffy looks. These jackets are easy to wrap around your waist once inside, which is great if you feel it will add to your look. Personally what I would normally do is tie my leather jacket around my bag strap, as I always have a bag out with me and tend not to like paying for a locker. This may seem like a pain but it is a handy tip if you are like me when it comes to being cheap and getting cold easily. I do the same thing if I take a scarf, wrapping it straight round my bag; and it stays tight all night.
Black is the safest option and even though it is popular it never looks dull. Other colour options are available too if you dare to pop a bit more colour into your night.
Jeggings/treggings :
I personally think Jeggings and treggings are more suited for a night out than leggings, unless you are wearing leggings underneath a dress or skirt. These two options provide comfort and sexiness in a way that the five pound leggings you bought to wear on lazy days cannot.
Treggings and Jeggings provide a stronger material, which can keep you warm and show off your curves without revealing your underwear. They also come in various styles and colours and look great in a pair of heels. My personal preference would be the tregging; which allows for warmth, style and shape in a better and more interesting way than the jegging. Patterns are a new trend on the tregging; pinstripe, polka dots, velvet. Do not be afraid to adapt to a new look.
Do not shy away from leggings either though if they provide more comfort. Most shops sell a range a of stronger and more stylistic leggings that would not look too shabby on the dance floor. Just be prepared to pay some more money for them. Overall all three are a great alternative to dresses and skirts and will keep your legs warm but breathable all night.
The nights are now beginning to reach low temperatures, so try and keep warm this winter. Hopefully these tips have been helpful or triggered some ideas of your own. Either way these styles are available to all shapes, sizes & ages and should spice up your outfits this winter.